Friday, April 4, 2008

How bizarre ..!!

Pune times continues to regale us with bizarre news articles which often make us wonder whether we are really reading a newspaper. It looks closer to magzines like filmfare/stardust etc (atleast to me). Much of the blogspace has been devoted to TOI bashing and this introduced me to interesting synonyms for TOI. Notable ones being TOI-let paper and pune time-pass ;-)

So I thought even I need to show some "awareness" on the topic as it seems a very "in" thing to do .. :-) :-) :-)
I have read a numerous news atricles worthy of a blog post but this was a gem ! Serena Williams in an interivew says "I want to look feminine" !!??!! I almost gagged there..Come on, how can a woman say I want to look feminine ?? who else is capable of looking feminine then ? Well, I want to make it clear that this is not an attempt to comment on anyone's looks at all. But it was
really difficult for me to comprehend what efforts would a woman take to look "feminine" ? Doesn't it come to her naturally? If this is not true either my views are fundamentally wrong or world is changing in a big way and I am not keeping pace with it.